Secretary: Carol Glasco

Ms. Glasco and her husband, Richard Glasco, have been residents of Georgetown since 1999. She is currently involved in the Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association (CPAAA). She has served on CPAAA for ten years. She is also involved with the Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS). These organizations assist police in various programs such as Take Back the Drugs in Sun City, Chase the Chief, and Blue Santa. She has participated every year since first joining the organization. She is also a Core Leader for the Georgetown Community Bible Study (CBS). CBS is a national Bible study group. She is an active member of Church on the Rock. She was raised by her grandmother and, consequently, has a special place in her heart for senior citizens. She felt service on this board would be a perfect way to help give back to the seniors (and their families) who have to content with the things that can occur as we age, such as early memory loss (EML) and Alzheimer's.