Townhall Virtual Meeting

Friday, June 25, 2021, from 10:00-11:30 am

Presenter: Josie Zamora, Founder, and Executive Director
“When you are a caregiver, you know that every day you will touch a life,
 or a life will touch yours.” — Unknown

A Gift of Time is growing as we continue to expand our programs and impact throughout our community. To help sustain this expansion, we are in the process of seeking new volunteer Board members. Our Board is committed to our Mission of positively impacting the lives of persons living with mild to moderate memory loss and their families and caregivers and share in our goal of establishing Georgetown's first Dementia Day Program. You may not have considered serving as a board member for a nonprofit before and maybe unsure what all is involved. The most important qualification of a Board member is to have the compassion and commitment to serve persons living with Dementia, their caregivers, and their loved ones in our community.

You are cordially invited to join me as I host a virtual town hall meeting to answer your questions about A Gift of Time's programs and to learn more about how you can be part of this rewarding experience. If you are interested in supporting A Gift of Time Board of Directors but the timing isn’t the best for you right now, there are other ways you can support our mission. We will also discuss these options on our call, which can include serving on an Advisory Committee or on an event planning committee, or as a volunteer.

I have included the link below for the Zoom link for the meeting; I hope you can join us. I look forward to a conversation with you on how to take part in this extraordinary volunteer opportunity, and to address any questions you may have. To learn more about our organization prior to the call, use this link to our website 

Topic: Townhall Meeting
Time: Jun 25, 2021, 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
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I'll see you soon,

Josie Zamora