in this VIRTUAL/PRERECORDED series. Dr. Tam Cummings will discuss pain. Pain and Other Assessments in a Person With Dementia Dementia professionals use a variety of tools to determine decline and remaining function in Persons With Dementia. Specific tools help us give physicians, nurses and caregiving staff a better picture of what is happening to the resident. Assessing for depression, anxiety, ADLs, IADLs, Pain, etc., keeps arguments out of the doctor’s office and helps us to assist families in understanding the disease process.
Pain causes an estimated 50 percent of the behaviors in a Person With Dementia. Learn how to assess, plan and provide for pain treatment, including the use of narcotic medications.
Tam Cummings, PhD
“Tam is a nationally recognized gerontologist and dementia expert who has worked with thousands of family and professional caregivers. Known for her direct approach to caregiver education, Tam’s sense of humor and gentle stories of real people facing dementia leave you knowing you are not alone. Tam is dedicated to care of persons with dementia.” Dr. Cummings book: Untangling Alzheimer’s, The Guide for Families and Professionals.