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Dr. Tam Cummings -Approach, Conversations and the Five Senses- Chapter 10

In this VIRTUAL PRERECORDED session, Dr. Cummings will share important information for people f who interact with people living with Dementia. Understanding changes in vision, hearing and the damage to the brain means learning to adjust our behavior to the abilities of a Person With Dementia. Recognizing how to approach a Person With Dementia, how to have a conversation based on the Person With Dementia’s capacity, and how to adjust our voice pitch and tone, body language and how Fight, Flight, Flee or Fawn are triggered by our behaviors are covered in this session.

Tam Cummings, PhD

“Tam is a nationally recognized gerontologist and dementia expert who has worked with thousands of family and professional caregivers. Known for her direct approach to caregiver education, Tam’s sense of humor and gentle stories of real people facing dementia leave you knowing you are not alone. Tam is dedicated to care of persons with dementia.” Dr. Cummings book: Untangling Alzheimer’s, The Guide for Families and Professionals.